My goal with creating this website is to help as many women as possible with this disease.
I felt like I was all alone and my husband and I did all the research.
I feel like now is my opportunity to give back and I have something to share, so this site is my gift to you.
I wanted to compile the information together so Women can go to 1 website for all the information that they need, or if it is not on my website then a link to get you where you need to go.
My goal is to make a difference and help women talk
about this painful disease and feel comfortable in doing so.
If you have any comments or suggestions or even need help researching this,
just email me and I would love to help you.
YOU ARE NOT ALONE, I would be honored to help you.
Our lives are not determined by what happens to us, but how we react to what happens: not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst...a spark that creates extraordinary results.

Fighting For Jayden

Fighting For Jayden

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Managing My Pain

Everyone manages their pain in different ways. Some of the ways I managed my pain was by eliminating certain foods from my diet, controlling my stress and learning to take care of myself. Every month when my period would come I would be in bed sometimes 2 to 3 days depending on how bad the pain was for that month. So I had to figure out what would help me with the pain. I would come home from work when it was that time of month for me and drink a cup of hot Chamomile Tea (caffiene free), put my legs up and try to rest. Most of the time I would have to take vicodin just to help ease the pain. I lived with a heating pad on my lower stomach and back. I found that certain food items such as chocolate, ice cream, sodas and milk would cause more intense cramping before and during my period. I am not a doctor so I am not saying to cut this stuff out I am just telling you what helped me. I have read many books on Endometriosis so I tried different things that other women tried and worked for them. Cutting caffeine out of my diet was one of the best things I ever did because it just had a bad reaction on my body and the pain I went through.

I know as woman we are very busy with our families and busy schedules so it is hard for us to take time out to take care of ourselves let alone manage the stress in our lives, but with Endometriosis it is important to take that time. Having this disease I have come to understand that I have to take care of myself or the pain gets so bad that I am in bed and can not do anything no matter how hard I try. My pain use to double me over to ware I could not walk and all I could do was just lay down in a fetal position praying that it would ease up just a little so I could try and sleep. I had to learn how to manage Endometriosis because it was definitely managing me and what I could and could not do! I finally decided that I was going to try and manage this disease. As I studied about Endometriosis, I learned some good eating habits and some tips on learning how to control my stress level. It did not stop the pain but it made it more manageable. Read and learn as much as you can about this disease from every aspect. It is not an easy road and it can be very painful. I understand! But hopefully together as women we can find ways to manage this disease and not have Endometriosis manage us even though it sure likes too!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Journey Begins...

My journey with this disease has been a long and painful one. I wanted to share with other woman my story to let them know that they are not alone. I have been told that I would never have a child and that this pain was all in my head. I have taken every fertility drug and every birth control you can think of or that is out there on the market.

I am here to tell you that you can manage this disease, it is not all in your head and you may be able to have a child. Anything is possible! You have to want it and educate yourself on this disease. I read book after book on Endometroisis and how to manage pain. There are certain foods that you eat that can ease or help painful cramps every month. But women it is up to you to educate yourself on this because only you know your body and how you are feeling.

I went to doctor after doctor and Finally found the doctor for me! I wanted a doctor who would listen to me and understand what I was going through. I searched on a Endometriosis website and found 3 doctors and interviewed everyone of them, Yes I said interviewed. If you are not comfortable with your doctor and if you don't feel like he is working for you then why go to him and waste yours and his/her time.

I hope I can help at least one woman out there. YOU are not alone! I want to share with you some of the things I did to help me and hopfully it can help you or add to what you are doing. This pain that you feel every month is not in your head.

After several surgeries I was able to have my 1 and only miracle baby boy. My Endometriosis did not go away unfortuniately, I had to have a complete hystorectomy. I still have mild pain to this day. My Endometriosis was one of the worst cases my specialist has ever seen, so when I tell you I understand, I really do understand.